Why is the price of some test room jammers very low, can the quality and life be guaranteed?

Dojammer 2022-04-12

In the process of various types of examinations, in order to ensure examination discipline and examination fairness, most examination rooms are equipped with examination room shielding devices. There are many judicial examinations, professional skills examinations, etc. Therefore, the demand for shielding devices in the examination room is particularly huge every year. At the same time, in the past 20 years, the standard types of mobile phones have been gradually upgraded from 2G to 5G, and the test room jammer usually need to be updated at the same frequency every few years.

When selecting and purchasing test room jammers, the main points of concern are:

1. Whether the function of the shielding device in the examination room meets the shielding requirements of all types of signals at present;

2. Whether the price of the test room isolator is reasonable, because it is usually purchased in batches, so the price of the test room isolator should not be too high;

3. If the price of the shield in the examination room is too low, will it affect the quality and operating life of the equipment;

From the perspective of these three main concerns, in fact, the second and third points are concentrated on the price of the shield in the examination room. So, what is the price of the test room jammer?

The cost and price of a test room jammer mainly include: equipment host shell, power supply, antenna, radio frequency signal source and power amplifier electronic components, power circuit board, etc. In order to control the cost of shielding in the examination room to a very low level, there is not much room to start in terms of the shell, power supply, and power circuit board. The big price difference is in the electronic components of the antenna, the radio frequency signal source and the power amplifier.

3G 4G 5G Blocker

If the antenna does not use a standard RF antenna, but only uses a piece of spiral copper wire as the antenna, the test room isolator needs 10-12 antennas. In this way, the price of the test room isolator can be reduced a lot.

In the part of the RF signal source and power amplifier electronic components, the way to reduce the cost is actually to go to the market for second-hand components, or to disassemble the parts removed from the old mobile phone. In this way, you can quickly reduce the cost of this part. Save at least two-thirds.

As we all know, second-hand devices are not new materials after all, and there are many hidden dangers. Once second-hand devices are used, it will definitely affect the quality and working stability of the test room isolator, and of course, its service life will be shortened!

Our company has always promised to never use second-hand components. Our purpose is to improve the quality of the test room isolator products, and we do not pursue a low-cost strategy to compare the price of the test room isolator!

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