Why does the mobile phone have poor signal sometimes?

Dojammer 2021-06-06

When using mobile phones, we will inevitably encounter poor signal conditions, so what is the cause of the poor signal? cell phone jammer manufacturers to share:

1. There are obstructions and high building density

Call quality is closely related to the call environment. In complex structures such as buildings, aisles, basements, etc., these locations usually belong to areas where communication signals are severely blocked.

Why is there a big difference in the strength of the mobile phone signal in different rooms on the same floor? This is also related to signal blocking. The strength of signal reception is mainly related to the distance from the base station. The closer the distance, the stronger the signal. If the signal encounters a wall, it will be weakened. If the room is just opposite to the base station, and there are many walls or obstructions on the side towards the base station, this will happen even on the same floor.

At the same time, the density of nearby buildings and floors will also affect the signal transmission. The tighter the building layout, the worse the signal reception may be.

2. Privately installed wireless signal jammer

If you encounter a situation where the cell phone signal is full, but you cannot make a call, it is likely that there are residents nearby who have installed wireless signal amplifiers. Once the number of users installing amplifiers increases, they will interfere with each other, resulting in full signals but unable to make calls.

3. Large crowds and base station switching

Saturation of the call volume of the operator's network can also cause poor cell phone signals. Since each base station has capacity limitations, places with dense crowds sometimes have poor network speed perception.

Some users in high-rise buildings encounter poor signal from their mobile phones. This may be because the location can receive signals from several nearby base stations at the same time. The mobile phone will frequently switch signals between several base stations, resulting in intermittent phenomenon. You can solve the problem of intermittent calls by opening volte for free.

4. Weather factors

Perhaps everyone did not expect that the strength of the mobile phone signal is actually related to the weather. Because when it rains, foggy, and snowy, the density of water in the air will increase, the penetration of mobile phone signals will become weaker, the transmission speed will naturally slow down, and the mobile phone signal will naturally become worse.

This is why the mobile phone signal is weaker in summer. Rain and humidity in summer, coupled with high temperature evaporation, increase the moisture in the air, which affects the transmission of mobile phone signals. When the weather is bad, the Internet speed of mobile phones slows down for the same reason. So don’t be too anxious when the signal is bad.

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