Is the wireless signal jammer noisy when it is working?

Dojammer 2021-04-28

The wireless signal jammer will generate heat when it is working, so it is necessary to install a cooling fan and heat sink to ensure that the machine will not burn out when it is working. But not every jammer will make a particularly loud noise when it is opened, because the fans used are basically silent. Only the kind of extremely high power jammer device uses a relatively large fan, even if it is a silent fan, it will make a sound. Therefore, the human ear can clearly feel it. I don't know how much power you bought. If it is a low-power jammer, it should be a problem with the equipment.

5 Bands Signal Jammers

The shielding device generates a lot of heat when it is working. In order to make the shielding device work stably for a long time, a cooling fan is added to the machine, and the fan makes a sound when it enters the door, so some sound can be heard when the shielding device is working. .

The higher-power shielding device has a louder sound. Due to the requirement of high heat dissipation, the fan is also larger, and the sound is louder at this time.

Don't blindly choose a high-power jammer. For a classroom, choosing a jammer with a 2W transmit power is enough to achieve the shielding effect.

After use, be sure to close the shield in time to avoid continuous radiation.

Be sure to choose a shielding device produced by a regular manufacturer. The shielding device produced by an informal manufacturer often deliberately increases the transmission power in order to pursue a better shielding effect.

The above is the information introduced by the editor, I hope it can be helpful to you.

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