Does the elevation angle of the signal antenna affect the signal?

Dojammer 2021-12-02

The antenna is the bridge between the wireless signal and the base station. Without the antenna, the base station will not be able to realize the signal connection with the mobile phone. In daily life, our common antennas include log-period antennas, grid antennas, and Yagi antennas.

The characteristics of the antenna:

The antenna has a simple structure, high signal gain, strong directivity, and accurate signal transmission. It can be used in mountainous areas, urban villages, basements, elevators, office buildings, etc., and can play a role in signal transmission.

For most antennas, the antenna needs to be fixed on a pole with a length of about 4m during installation. The elevation angle of the antenna, that is, the angle between the antenna and the pole, is adjustable from 0° to 5°. It can be adjusted during installation to improve the state of the ground signal to a certain extent. Some people think that the coverage of the wireless signal can be changed by adjusting the pitch angle, so as to eliminate the interference of the same frequency. Is it true? #signal jammer

In fact, the signal coverage is affected by two factors. One is the longest distance that the direct wave sent by the antenna can reach, and the other is that the signal strength to reach the location is sufficient to be captured by the instrument.

Mobile communication is near-ground line-of-sight communication. The farthest distance that the direct wave transmitted by the antenna can reach is related to the height of the direct receiving and transmitting antenna.

Simply put, the maximum range that the base station wireless signal can reach is determined by the height of the antenna.

Due to the high frequency of mobile communication waves, the signal is easily attenuated by propagation near the ground. In order to minimize this loss, the vertical propagation method is used.

When the horizontally polarized signal is close to the ground, a polarized current will be generated on the surface of the earth. The polarized current will generate heat energy due to the influence of the earth's impedance, causing the electric field signal to decay rapidly.

The vertical polarization mode is not easy to generate polarization current, thereby avoiding a large attenuation of energy and ensuring effective signal propagation. In order to achieve vertical polarization, it is necessary to keep the antenna perpendicular to the ground plane.

After the antenna is fixed to the pole, we can adjust the elevation angle within 5°. The adjustment of the elevation angle is mainly for the non-perpendicularity between the antenna pole and the ground, so that the antenna is perpendicular to the ground plane as soon as possible to ensure effective signal propagation.

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